Start Date: 01-08-2016
Duration: 15 months
End Date: 31-10-2017
Leading Organization: National association of resource teachers – Bulgaria
The CANDLE project is a joint effort of 7 organisations (3 NGOs, 1 school, 1 public body and 2 SMEs) from 6 European countries from 3 main regions of Europe (North, South-Eastern, South). The project’s overall aim is to improve employment prospects of young people with intellectual disabilities.
The concrete objectives of the project are:
– to improve social entrepreneurial skills of 35 young people with intellectual disabilities;
– to raise capacity of 14 professionals in delivering social entrepreneurship education social entrepreneurship training for young people with intellectual disabilities;
– to support establishment of 7 training social enterprises of young people with intellectual disabilities.
• Target Groups:
– Young people with mild, moderate and severe intellectual disabilities (35 – 5 per partner organisation)
– Youth workers (14- 2 per partner organisation)
1. YouNet – Italy
2. Igdir Milli Egitim Müdürlügü – Turkey Contact Person: Onur Gültekin – (Manager of IEUY Organisation)
3. Ataturk Özel Eğitim Mesleki Eğitim Merkezi – Turkey
Sportfit Shortbreak Care Ltd – UK
• MEETINGS AND ACTIVITIES (budget bellows☟)
⇨ Kick Off Meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria – September 2016 – 2 participants per organization
Main activities: partners agree on their concrete tasks, adopt strategies and plans: operational plan, communication (dissemination) plan, quality plan, risk management strategy; partners agree on the design and structure of the project’s website and other Internet information channels.
⇨ Management A1
Duration: August 2016 – November 2017
Main activities: all strategic documents development (budget plan, quality and evaluation framework, quality assurance plan, dissemination and communication strategy, risk management strategy); allocation of tasks and resources; monitoring implementation; transnational and online project meetings; stakeholders management; progress reports; interim and final reports; organization of 2 transnational project meetings.
⇨ Preparation for the youth social entrepreneurship training A2
Duration: August 2016 – December 2016
Main activities: upgrading through an exchange of good practices the already existing social entrepreneurship training programme of the leading partner from Lithuania. The other partners providing youth work methods tailored for young people with intellectual disabilities.
⇨ Organising first youth workers training A3
Duration: December 2016 – February 2017
Main activities: selection of youth workers, preliminary preparation, logistics, travel arrangements, accommodation, agenda review and implementation, trainers preparation and guidance, reporting.
Training Activity C1: February 2017 – 5 days traning in Klaipeda, Lithuania + 2 days travel; 14 participants – 2 workers per organization
⇨ Implementing the youth training in each country A4
Duration: March 2017 – May 2017
Main activities: youth workers engage in a learning process with 35 young people with intellectual disabilities (2 workers per 5 young people); learn about social entrepreneurship; design a social enterprise, distribute roles of each young person (manager, marketing specialist, production expert, etc.), learn the process of candle making, start first pilot production, monitor the progress and collect reporting information; close communication with parents.
⇨ Organising second youth workers training A5
Duration: May 2017 – June 2017
Main activities: conducting surveys among youth workers working with social enterprises teams to map the progress of each learner; logistics, travel arrangements, accommodation for a 5-day training in Bologna, Italy; agenda review and implementation; trainers preparation and guidance, reporting.
Training Activity C2: June 2017, 5 days traning in Bologna, Italy +2 days travel, 14 participants – 2 workers per organization
⇨ Implementing the youth training in each country A6
Duration: July 2017 – September 2017
Main activities; youth workers continue learning process with 35 young people with intellectual disabilities (2 workers per 5 young people) and focus on presenting (packaging) the products of training social enterprises and their marketing through the “training” e-shop integrated with the project website, continue candle productions and make first “training” sales with “training” clients; monitor the progress and collect reporting information; close communication with parents.
⇨ Impact evaluation and sustainability A7
Duration: March 2017 – October 2017
Main activities: collecting feedback from young people and youth workers on the working process and on the final outcomes (levels of satisfaction and types of learning outcomes reached); collecting feedback from all other stakeholders; preparing impact working reports to be combined in one final report; drafting a sustainability strategy to map opportunities for sustaining the training programme and social enterprises beyond project lifetime and to allocate the required human and financial resources for that activity.
⇨ Final Meeting in Ankara, Turkey – October 2017 M2
Main activities: partners analyse the project implementation, the effects of all major activities, prepare for final reporting, discuss and agree on sustainability strategy beyond project lifetime. They discuss the functioning of the candle e-shop and decide on possible ways to further improve its visibility on European scale, which will create further prospects for the social enterprises developed to be maintained in a longer perspective.