ANTALYA e-WAVES  e-waves, approaches the topic of dissemination and exploitation of results for Erasmus+ projects in the field of youth work and non-formal education. We had the opportunity to identify and reflect about strategies and tools to work on the visibility and dissemination of the projects, with a focus in online collaborative tools, and always in the frame of youth work and non-formal education.

The Aims of The Project: 
Raising the quality of activities for dissemination and exploitation of results in projects developed in the framework of Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme in order to increase its impact.

The objectives of the training course are:
• Recognize the importance of strategies in the fields of visibility and dissemination of results to increase the impact of youth projects in Erasmus+ Programme;
• Identify different approaches for the implementation of visibility and dissemination of results’ strategies;
• Know and use different tools for the implementation of visibility and dissemination of results’ strategies, with a focus in online collaborative tools and always in the frame of youth work and non-formal education.


Special thanks to the Turkish NA for the contributions to the training course.

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