Non-formal Education in the Integration of Unaccompained Minor Refugees , Austria

Non-formal Education in the Integration of Unaccompanied Minor Refugees

About of The Project 

7 day Training Course with a logical continuity and substantive upgrade of interactive, creative and participatory workshops aiming to develop better understanding of the usage of non-formal education in the process of inclusion of minor unaccompanied refugees. The work programme enables participants to grow and develop personally being out of their comfort zone and establishing inter-cultural communication with people from similar background like them, but different countries, cultures and speaking different languages.

We had a chance to meet the group of 30 minor refugees we work with, get to know them better, learn more about their culture and be able to work with them for a day.

Where we realized the project?

Most activities have taken place in StockschlossTrofaiach – Oberdorf 7, 8793 Trofaiach. We have been accommodated in LandhotelReitingblick in Gai, next to Trofaiach.

When we realized the project?

Between 19th and 25thJune 2016.

What was the aim of the project?

Only in Austria there is more than 8000 young people under 18, that arrived unaccompanied and are staying in centres without adequate education. Some of them are managing to get back to schools, some are in other programmes, but most of them are not involved in anything else but a language course. As youth organisations, we can do a lot to help these children and young people learn the language faster, get to know the culture better and get accepted by the comnunities where they have been placed.

Who ?

The organizators invited 3 participiants from each organization. There was no age limit for the participiants.

How we realized it ?

Our manager, Onur Gultekin, manager assistant Fatma Turan Gultekin and founding member, Turku Eroglu attended this project to represent us.

Several interactive, creative and participatory workshops have been carried out by internationally experienced youth workers – Erasmus+ trainers. During the workshops participants have interacted with each other, given their input, brainstormed, made presentations, represented their country, discussed about the themes, presented their points of view, experienced and learn new methods etc.Participants also prepared icebreakers and team-building activities within the organisation prior to the travelling date that they have delivered during the training.

The participants have also got a chance to practice some of the methods with the group of boys from Syria and Afghanistan, who attended German classes in Stockschloss, and understood the complexity of working with this group of youth at risk.

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