Teaching Methods in Intercultural Mixed Areas
Training Course
This project realized in our early term – called “Iğdır AB Gençlik Grubu”. This article is a draft, we’ll update it soon.
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We ,as IGDIR AB GENCLIK GRUBU, participated in a youth project with the name Teaching methods in intercultural mixed areas between 22-31 October 2016 in Prague. The project funded by EU and Czech National Agency in the context of Erasmus+ youth workers mobility.
By the end of the project, we believe that we developed the following skills;
We recognized the unique importance of each culture, emphasizing shared
values and pluralistic identity.
We developed intercultural awareness about different communication styles
and approaches in multicultural areas by exchanging views and experiences.
We learnt understanding on how stereotypes and prejudices are
We learnt about tolerance, equality and solidarity among different cultures,
nationalities, ethnic and religious groups, etc. According to the Human Rights principals.
We developed positive attitudes and behaviors for less discrimination and more positive intercultural relationships.
We experienced alternative methods and instruments for intercultural
education and intercultural practicing.
We learnt about Erasmus+ more.
We learnt using different formal and non-formal methods in order to improve the educational process.