SUC – See, Understand, Change!


Project is all about tolerance, stereotypes, differences. It aims to improve participants at understanding others point of view, behaviours, opinions without judging also telling situations as they are.

In this project have participated 30 young people from 5 countries (Turkey, France, Poland, Italy and Czech Republic). IEUY Organisation have participated in this project with President of Organisation Onur Gültekin and 5 young. He and his staff represented and introduced our country and Iğdır National Education Directorate at the cultural night in Poland.

During this project, the organizator side Chrześcijańska Służba Charytatywna (ChSCh), used non-formal methods of education as discuss, debates, workshops, sharing experience, non-formal conversations and games, etc.

The project’ s long-term goal to provide concious to participants to increase their knowledge about refugees’ situation and also reducing their stereotypes about other cultures by knowing them better. As they happen, participants improved their communication skills, working groups, sharing opinions, not-judging attitude.

To realize all these goals, organizator side ChSCh, had organizated an Advanced Planning Visit in Wisla, Poland; before Youth Exchange started. During this meeting, all details of project has been discussed by group managers. After that, program started and took 2 weeks.

In this time, we represented Iğdır National Education Directorate in Poland with our works. Special thanks to;

-Turkey NA


Wisla, Poland

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