Young Journalists’ Journey



Erasmus+ youth Project supported by Leargas and EC was done in Dublin/Ireland between the dates 4-12 November 2017. It brought together 40 participants from 5 different countries countries (Ireland, Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria and Latvia) to work together on the main topics: Journalism and non-formal education in relation to the problem of youth unemployment.


The main goal is to empower the youngsters to explore an area and their inhabitants through journalism technique, how to choose the subject, what angles of the story are better in order to catch the attention of the readers and visitors of their owned online channels. The participants was engaged in this journey with several methods such as self discovering (storytelling), integrative methods (setting strategies for the articles, team-building exercises), learning through individual experiences (discussing with journalists, taking interviews and interacting with the citizens), creativity methods (blogging web-design, magazines and brochures, but also photo-reportage)


During the project, the participants experienced through non-formal education methods and discussion with bloggers and journalist how to improve their storytelling, photo, video skills and to find the essence of a subject, place or a character through interviews, reportages, photo-reportages, videos and blogging posts. With these skills developed, the participants will be able to start their own blogs or write for the NGOs magazine or even work for a media company.

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